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The Rose And I - Sandrine-kenstein


So the surgery went very well overall. The pathology report came back saying that no cancer was found either in the breast, nor in the 22 lymph nodes removed. YEAH!!!

Unfortunately, in addition to the two drains I had to manage for 2-3 weeks: emptying them several time a day and measuring how much fluid was coming out of each one, I feel horrible with my scar. My scar goes from the middle of my breasts until the back of my armpit around my body. I felt like Frankenstein. I checked online and my scar did not look that different than others for similar breast cancer surgery with lymph nodes removal. I guess I am at war with cancer and I have the scars to prove it?

My surgeons did a great job. I know that because of my recovery and the way that my scar looks now (more like a line than crosses throughout). It's definitely better than at first but one does not know that the first day after surgery when you look into the mirror. My recovery has been going as expected. My right arm motion has been increasing range. Thanks to the exercises I do daily given by my physical therapist. Still limited, but everyday it gets better. I am hoping I can get 100% range of motion back. I'll work on it!

Now I am hoping I won't get lymphedema - swelling of my right arms due to the removal of lymph nodes. I had lymphatic bypass surgery so that helps, but it's not garanteed that lymphedema will not show its ugly side.

I can't wait for my life not to be directed by medical appointments, and being sick.

I am tired of being sick.

It has been seven months so far. Hopefully just a few more months! I am still at war!

I have been lucky not to have too many side effects. I am crossing my fingers that all keeps going this way.

But the best news: NO CANCER found. I don't think that this news has completely sunk in me. I am still doing all these treatments for a while so I am not feeling cancer-free. Being constantly tired, my right arm limited motion, and the leather-like feeling I have in my removed breast and arm pit area reminds me of it ... daily.

My next step is radiation. It's starting on February 1st. I hope all will go well. This means very little side effects and pain when they do the treatment.

Coming soon: radiation "space invader" treatment ... Zap! Zap!


All my family, friends, boyfriend, colleagues, neighbors, and even my work and hospital/doctors/nurses/care givers have been very supportive. I am feeling appreciated and loved. I feel very lucky and blessed to have such people around me.


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